Senior Horsemanship - Tips to Help Us Enjoy Better Years with Horses and More of Them

Better Horsemanship and Better Podcasts Take Time

Paul Sherland Season 1 Episode 45

Nothing great, said Epictetus, is produced suddenly, since not even the grape or the fig is. If you say to me now that you want a fig, I will answer to you that it requires time: let it flower first, then put forth fruit, and then ripen. If, then, the fruit of a fig tree not perfected suddenly and in one hour, would you possess the fruit of a man’s mind in so short a time and so easily? Do not expect it, even if I tell you.

This quote is from the book, The Discourses of Epictetus.

Although Epictetus does not mention horses in the quote, it’s also true that better horsemanship is not produced suddenly.  It takes time.

As I’ve worked on this podcast, it became apparent to me that I couldn’t podcast daily and still find time for my horses and my horsemanship.  So I tried podcasting once on the weekends and three times during the week.

That was better, but the schedule also left little time for riding and training. So I’m going to try podcasting once a week on weekends.

That will hopefully allow me the time to finish the Second Half Horsemanship website and also spend some time riding and training my horses.

Here's a link to Descript,  my recommended audio and video editing tool.

And a link to the Second Half Horsemanship website.

Paul Sherland:

Nothing great said Epictetus is produced suddenly, since not even the grape or the fig is. If you say to me now that you want a fig, I will answer to you that it requires time. Let it flower first, then put forth fruit, and then ripen. If then the fruit of a fig tree is not perfected suddenly and in one hour, would you possess the fruit of a man's mind in so short a time and so easily. Do not expect it, even if I tell you. This quote is from the book, The Discourses of Epictetus. Welcome to the Second Half Horsemanship podcast, where we talk about using your mind more than your muscles on the path to better horsemanship in the second half of life. I'm your host, Paul Sherland. Although Epictetus does not mention horses in the quote, it's also true that better horsemanship is not produced suddenly. It takes time. As I've worked on this podcast, it's become apparent to me that I couldn't podcast daily and still find time for my horses and my horsemanship. So I tried podcasting once on the weekends and three times during the week. That was better, but the schedule also left little time for riding and training, so I'm going to try podcasting once a week on the weekends. That will hopefully allow me the time to finish the Second Half Horsemanship website and also spend some time riding and training my horses. I attended a Ross Jacobs clinic in Minnesota a couple of weeks ago, and a Shawna Karrasch clinic here in Texas last weekend. I'm looking forward to having a bit of extra time to apply what I learned with my horses. Thanks for listening to the Second Half Horsemanship podcast. If you're also on the second half horsemanship journey, please leave a comment on our website, second half We're always looking for topic and interview ideas. When I use links to books, products, and services in the podcast, some of those links might be referral links. As an Amazon associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. I earn a small commission when you purchase something through those links, but you will not be charged more by using the links. One more note, I use Descript for editing the podcast. If you do any video or audio editing, you should check out what Descript offers. It's an incredible tool for creatives. I'll also have a link to Descript in the show notes. If you enjoyed the podcast, please leave a review wherever you listen to podcasts. Your reviews help the podcast reach a larger audience. Thank you very much.

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